My Journey at AMAL Academy
Joining AMAL career-prep fellowship as a shy person who was not willing to share his life, his experiences with others, and ending as a person who speaks a lot, who knows to share his opinion, who is confident enough to speak in public, ’s been an amazing journey of learning.
The thing that reminded me of my first 2 weeks at AMAL is the sofa, I used while attending online sessions every weekend. It may sound odd but yes sofa I have been using is what reminded me of my journey. Living in a joint family where we all live together, it was not easy for me to attend sessions because of the disturbance I used to face. Then I choose this corner and this sofa for Amal sessions.
It was an amazing experience at the start of the fellowship. Firstly, passing through different steps of selection like activity centre and then attending pre-session of fellowship with our facilitator, it was already clear in my mind that it is going to be a lifetime experience and it certainly was.
I started my journey at AMAL with a lot of hopes of becoming a better me, preparing myself for interviews, learning to create a resume, cover letter, gaining confidence to speak in public and much more. I was feeling lucky to get selected in that long selection process and was determined to get comfortable in my skin, improve myself.
In the first 2 weeks of fellowship, I learned about how to connect dots in my life, how to set goals, and how to achieve them. During that time I was able to discover what are my plans ahead after my bachelor's, will I be doing a job or going for a Master's. Before this, I was confused about it. I learned to express my opinion in front of 60 people and listening to other’s opinions.
After 3 months of the fellowship, I discover a person in me who is more creative, more positive, more grateful, and more active, etc. I am able to take lead in my life, help people without spending any rupees, work on different ideas in life, and live a life of purpose. Amal has helped me to be life long learner.